Book Reviews, Fiona Barton

REVIEW: The Child – Fiona Barton

The Child - Fiona Barton
Penguin Random House Canada

From the Publisher
As an old house is demolished in a gentrifying section of London, a workman discovers a tiny skeleton, buried for years. For journalist Kate Waters, it’s a story that deserves attention. She cobbles together a piece for her newspaper, but at a loss for answers, she can only pose a question: Who is the Building Site Baby?

As Kate investigates, she unearths connections to a crime that rocked the city decades earlier: A newborn baby was stolen from the maternity ward in a local hospital and was never found. Her heartbroken parents were left devastated by the loss.

But there is more to the story, and Kate is drawn—house by house—into the pasts of the people who once lived in this neighborhood that has given up its greatest mystery. And she soon finds herself the keeper of unexpected secrets that erupt in the lives of three women—and torn between what she can and cannot tell…

Between the Covers
I have to admit: at first, I wasn’t sure about this one. It seemed to get off to a bit of a slow start, but I’m glad that I decided to stick with it because it turned out to be an excellent read.

Despite the fact that I did not get my wish (that the character of “Jude” would meet an untimely, gruesome, excruciating, painfully-slow death because she’s just that much of a completely horrible not-quite-human-being), I found The Child to be compelling, with complex characters, and a well-developed, intricately-woven narrative that culminated in a perfectly-packaged jaw-dropping plot twist that I absolutely did NOT see coming!

I will definitely be recommending this one to my fellow book nerds!

NOTE: I would like to thank NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada for granting me an eARC of this book, in exchange for a fair and honest review.




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