Book Reviews, Roz Nay

REVIEW: Our Little Secret – Roz Nay

Our Little Secret - Roz Nay
Simon & Schuster Canada

From the Publisher
The detective wants to know what happened to Saskia, as if I could just skip to the ending and all would be well. But stories begin at the beginning and some secrets have to be earned.

Angela is being held in a police interrogation room. Her ex’s wife has gone missing and Detective Novak is sure Angela knows something, despite her claim that she’s not involved.

At Novak’s prodding, Angela tells a story going back ten years, explaining how she met and fell in love with her high school friend HP. But as her past unfolds, she reveals a disconcerting love triangle and a dark, tangled web of betrayals. Is Angela a scorned ex-lover with criminal intent? Or a pawn in someone else’s revenge scheme? Who is she protecting? And why?

Between the Covers
Roz Nay’s Our Little Secret is a fast-paced, suck-you-in-from-the-get-go psych-thriller that is deliciously deceptive, dark, and twisty. I wish I could have a brief case of amnesia so that I could experience this one again, like it was the first time reading it! Obviously, I loved this book a ridiculous amount.

Initially, it had me reliving some angst-y, “how is my heart still beating, when it’s been ripped clean out of my chest, like that?!” moments from my university years and identifying with/relating to the protagonist in many ways.

Our Little Secret - Roz Nay quote

There’s no denying that break-ups are hard. Especially when it happens in such a way that it leaves you feeling like the wind has been sucked from your lungs, wondering ‘How did this happen?! How did we get here?!” without closure, without any kind of understanding of how the bottom fell out of it all. And sometimes it takes a looooooooooooooong time to recover. Eventually, though, most of us stop feeling like we’re walking around with a gaping chest wound. The feeling of drowning in pain and grief eases. But we don’t let the loss consume us.

Angela, though, is … special. But is it ‘feels things more deeply than other people’ special? Or ‘pet bunny in a stew pot’ special? Grab your own copy to find out!

This was an excellent, couldn’t-put-it-down, you’ll-gladly-give-up-precious-sleep read and I would give it more than 5 stars, if I could.

Roz Nay is officially on my “if she writes it, I’ll read it” list!

NOTE: I would like to thank NetGalley and Simon & Schuster Canada for granting me an eARC of this book, in exchange for a fair and honest review.





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